Pakistan LO’real Paris Bridal Week was celebrated and showcased for the fifth consecutive year. The event brought together some of the biggest names in the fashion industry of Pakistan. The event was hosted by Natasha Hussain. The Kluchit clan was there to capture all the happenings for its readers.
L’Oréal Paris, the world’s leading beauty brand, celebrated the first of its kind ‘Ambassador of Fashion’ platform through a brunch hosted by L’Oréal Paris Excellence Crème and acclaimed couturier Nomi Ansari at Café Verde in Karachi.
The saga of ‘The Red Lipstick” goes back to as long as one can remember. Starting with Ancient Mesopotamian women crushing gemstones to embellish their lips, to the Egyptians crushing carmine and ants over beeswax to decorate their lips. The “red lipstick” has come a long way since then.