Khaadi launches its New Luxury and Midsummer Three-piece Collection and we are in love. Click to view.
The downsizing theory doesn’t make sense, because Khaadi is a giant in the thriving Pakistani fashion industry, so why would they downsize by firing just 32 workers?
Khaadi is well known to play with colours and attempting really well at the effort. The ramp for Khaadi Khaas collection included not just knee length shirts but long flowy gowns with hemlines reaching to the ankles.
For all the men who were too busy to buy Eid clothes for themselves, Team Kluchit rounds up top places for you to dash to at the last moment. Start reading … and start running.
Featuring elegant yet trendy designs, Khaadi is a brand which has something for everyone, young and old alike. Their Eid collection for this year is being launched this weekend, and some of the designs are absolutely beautiful. Read on for more details.