The story of HUM TV’s play Tabeer is an intertwined story of two couples Fawad and Zarnish and Yasir and Tabeer.
Not going to give a single hint of about the story line as the play is headed towards Islamabad as I hit keys on my laptop. They will be playing in Islamabad and later in Karachi
Whether you’re the kind of person who dismisses black magic as mere fiction, or someone who vehemently believes in it, it’s something that’s been there for ages, and now it’s gaining more popularity due to a certain TV show.
The television dramas of Pakistan are undeniably one of the best in the world, when it comes to their beautiful stories, stunning acting and amazing direction. However, parallel to that, one major area where Pakistani dramas have greatly progressed is the cinematographic part. Here are the unsung heros of Dyar e Dil …