In Hum TV Drama Yakeen Ka Safar, the storyline is covering three situations in four different locations: Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar and Kutton in Neelam Valley, Azad Kashmir. To establish these four locations before start of their scenes, is where the production team of Yakeen Ka Safar has done a fabulous job.
Team Kluchit visits this heavenly lake situated in Azad Kashmir. gives you some ideas to help choose your next vacation spot.
Toli Pir is a hilltop area situated in Tehsil Rawalakot, in the Poonch District of Azad Kashmir. Team Kluchit reviews the place for you.
Hiking is an excellent activity which offers some great health benefits including the reduction of body weight, decrease in hypertension and improvement in mental health. lists some of the most exciting hiking tracks in Pakistan.