Hokus Pokus – I am Brokus – Most of us end up with empty pockets once the wedding fever finishes, but that also means the start of the honeymoon fever. Team Kluchit guides you exactly where to take your significant other when you have a limited budget.
Kluchit.com brings you the best scuba diving locations in the world. Hurry up and start packing.
Pakistan is a country which is naturally blessed with great spans of water bodies, along with which there are vast mountain ranges which act as a source point to all of them. If we generally analyze some of the big and small rivers and streams in Pakistan, then one can easily see that they are tailor made for the sport of rafting. Unfortunately, it is among the most neglected sports in Pakistan. Just a little effort and focus is required, which could definitely make this country a popular rafting place locally and globally.
Kluchit.com brings you the top 5 forts in Pakistan. Get ready to be amazed.
Shimshal Pass Trek
Shimshal Pass 4,735 meters high, is located east of Pasu on the Karakoram Highway. The dramatically beautiful territory of Shimshal is home to some of the finest trekking in the Karakoram. Lying between the Karakoram Highway, the Chinese border and the northern margin of the Karakoram Range