Parchi, the latest offering by ARY Films, had created a lot of anticipation with its intense teaser and the audiences had been waiting for the official trailer to be released. It has officially been released on December 2nd 2017 with a special screening at Neuplex Cinemas, and it has taken the excitement a notch-higher
HUAWEI has introduced its HUAWEI Mate 10 Series in Pakistan – thereby heralding a Superphone era in the country. The new HUAWEI Mate 10 lite, HUAWEI Mate 10 and HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro are a game changer in smartphone innovation and photography. The HUAWEI Mate 10 Series continues its legacy of superior product performance and long-lasting battery life, while integrating new Leica Dual-Camera technology.
Pakistani men, unlike quite a lot of other country men, has a far wider range of attire style to choose from. Not only the type of attire but recently, there is a quite an impressive increase in male attire specific brands too.
The Walled City of Lahore is one of the most iconic features of Lahore as it carries a rich history and an amazing cultural value. It has been a tourist attraction since forever and more so after the Mughal Dynasty left rule.
Kluchit interviews Fariha Rashed. We had an amazing talk with her and find out very interesting thing about her personality and lifestyle.