
5 simple ways to make your mom feel special on Mother’s day!

On this mother’s day treat your mother like a queen, because she deserves it. Your mother is the reason for what you are today. Her prayers being the prime reason you got through thick and thin. Although a single day is not enough to thank your mother for all that she has done, however The Kluchit team thought of 5 ways you can make her feel special on this Mother’s day.

Breakfast in Bed: (How about Croissants!) In case you’re truly dubious about unleashing your unremarkable cooking skills in the kitchen – and, for sure, on your mom – you can come up with something simple, yet inconceivably tasty! We adore the thought of purchasing a parcel of croissants from the store (all things considered, making them may be a bit difficult), then cutting them into two pieces and then dipping them into a mixture of  egg and milk much like with the French toast, before cooking them in a frying pan. The dressing of the dish is the best piece – fill the croissant with strawberries, spread some whipped cream on top and drizzle with vanilla syrup. And here is one of the scrumptious breakfast ready. You can serve with Chocolates, Fresh flowers plucked from the garden and a glass of fresh orange juice would complete this breakfast fit for a Queen. Serve it to her in bed!

Treasure hunt sound adventurous to you? So would it to your mom if your sibling accompanies her through it. Get your brother or sister in on the plan. Leave hints and clues that would lead her to all her favourite spots. Start off with one person guiding her to her most loved coffee house where a blessing card, a go-to drink and the following clue await her. Have your mother follow the signs and clues to all her most loved destinations, or even couple of new ones she has been meaning to visit. At every new spot leave a blessing/gift card for her to treasure. Lead her from her favourite salon to her fav designer shop.  End the chase with an affectionate supper gathering at home, praising her existence!

Take her Travelling: Pick a city you’ve both never been to, and make a calendar of occasions to fill the day with unforgettable recollections. Go on a road trip to the best place you can think of (we all know moms are fond of exploring). Travelling totally fascinates moms and that is the best time when you and your mother can rejuvenate your bond by sharing all sorts of adventures!

Create a Memory Album: Make your mother an album of a recent trip or simply your most loved recollections together. Fill the album with little jokes, stories, pictures and quotes you shared with your mom. Write down everything which would mean the world to her. Spill your heart out in the form of words and pictures. Moms are sentimental about memories, give her something she will cherish for a long long time!

Rest her tired hands & Feet: And yes don’t forget to do all the laundry and washing as you know that is what she does 24/7. Besides, one day wouldn’t make any difference! Make her bed and do all the house chores so she really feels like one special person. Look for a local mother’s day event followed by a movie, and yes you can spoil her with flowers, gifts, chocolates and lots and lots of hugs & kisses. Moms love it and lets accept it, we forget how her hugs would heal us when we were young!!

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Mishaal Shahzad lives in Islamabad and is a student of Mass Media. She is a fan of Khushwant Singh, playing drums and writing.

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