We met up with the charming and down-to-earth Sara Shahid for a brief conversation. Here is what she had to say about her work, her take on the different elements of fashion designing and her future goals …
1. You were born in …?
2. Is your academic background in fashion design?
Yes , I have done a degree in fashion design and merchandise from London.
3. How did you start a fashion house?
I started almost 13 years ago , I started small and gradually expanded my business .
4. How many years did it take you to reach your present success?
I feel each year brought its own success . From the start I have always looked towards success as ever growing. You keep trying to achieve new milestones.
5. What is the concept behind Sublime?
Sublime by Sara is a label that has always stuck to its design philosophy of minimalism . It was conceptualised as something that has to be out of the ordinary hence the name Sublime.
6. What is the trademark of Sublime?
The sublime trademark emphasises the cut and drape of fabric . We are all about the importance of the fit of a garment . In keeping with the sublime philosophy its always been about less is more!
7. Are clothes about cut or embellishments?
The clothes are a fine balance of cut and embellishment . The two need to compliment each other not overwhelm one another . No matter how beautiful the embellishment is if the clothes are not fitting well, the outfit is useless .
8. What do you personally like designing – pret, couture or bridal?
I love to do all 3 . We do them all in a distinctly sublime way .
9. your favourite model?
I have worked with Cybil , Mehreen , Iman, Rabia , Noore. Love them all!
10. You do a lot of charity work – your thoughts?
I do what I can , whatever you do is not enough . Specially in our country. When you have the capacity to make a difference in any way you feel is important, you must help. Its the least one can do.
11. How do you manage family and work?
It’s a tough balance and a constant juggle . Sometimes it gets overwhelming and in which case I only do what is in my capacity .I’m blessed with a very supportive family.
12. How do you relax after a long day at work?
Generally with the kids , mindless television and sleep.
13. Your future goals?
To make Sublime more accessible , to restarts emu exercise and focus a little more on myself
14. Where do you see Sara Shahid in ten years?
Am hoping to have Sublime make a mark here and internationally , as for me … stronger ,healthier and with kids that can make me proud.
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Contributed by Momal Ahmad a mixture of almost everything in the world.
Fashion Editor
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