Retin-A, Retinol and Retinyl Palmitate
These vitamin A derivatives and others can lead to dangerous birth defects during pregnancy. While it’s important to have an adequate amount of vitamin A for your baby’s development, it’s best to avoid these vitamin A derivatives, which can negatively affect the development of your baby.
Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic acids
Getting acne during pregnancy is quite common, but you should choose your acne creams carefully. Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are ingredients best to avoid during pregnancy. Many of the commonly used acne creams contain combinations of these acids to manage acne. If you’re looking for a good acne solution while pregnant, look for products that only use one of these acne-fighting ingredients.
Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic acids
Essential oils are often thought to be a natural alternative for beauty products. However, they are not assessed by the FDA and do not have to follow strict labeling standards. Essential oils come in different varieties and concentrations, so it’s hard to make a general statement on whether you should or should not use them while pregnant, but several have been linked to major health concerns if used while pregnant. Talk to your doctor first before using any essential oils during your pregnancy and make sure to limit your exposure to a safe amount.
Aluminum Chloride
A controversial ingredient, aluminum chloride has been the topic of several debated studies and is a common ingredient in deodorants and antiperspirants. It is generally thought to be safe to use in lower concentrations, but you should avoid products that use it in high concentrations.
It might be tempting to use this common skin lightener during pregnancy to combat melasma or a pigmentation of the skin also called the “mask of pregnancy,” but it should be avoided. The FDA lists hydroquinone under category C because it has a higher absorption rate than other topical chemicals, which makes it more likely for larger amounts to enter your bloodstream and affect your baby.
An ingredient in many nail polishes and certain hair products, you should avoid using any products containing formaldehyde as it has been linked to fertility problems and miscarriage. It isn’t currently included in the FDA categories, but many doctors advise women to limit their exposure. Stick to nail polishes that are labeled “3-Free” or “5-Free.” If you visit a hair or nail salon, talk to your stylist about the products they use and make sure they don’t contain formaldehyde.
Chemical Sunscreens
Sunscreens may contain possible hormone disruptors like oxybenzone or avobenzone, which can interfere with your baby’s nervous system development. If you need to protect yourself from the sun, use physical or natural sun protection instead of chemical sunscreens.
Dihydroxyacetone is a chemical used in many spray self-tanners. The chemical reacts with the dead layers of skin on your body and is seen as a safer alternative to sun tanning. Although it’s not absorbed into the body, it can be inhaled during application and is unhealthy for you and your baby.
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs)
These popular skin brightening and exfoliating ingredients are a bit of a question mark because they may disrupt the skin barrier, which could open the skin up to penetration of other substances. Lotions containing AHAs and BHAs are best avoided during pregnancy.