Robot 2.0 ‘s trailer starring Rajnikanth and Akshay Kumar just promulgated. Apparantly it is much more than stereotypical films as its story’s baseline is about cellphones in our daily lives. After a close look at the trailer, Akshay Kumar’s appearance got our attention but it seems as if the movie is inspired by famous Hollywood movie Transformers.
Take a look yourself:
Trailer confirms that Akshay Kumar is a villian made up of micro-chips (who looks more like a bird inspired figure) whereas Rajnikanth is a futuristic superhero. A lot has been going on in the trailer such as cellphones are drifted away by an invisible force which combines it into a rogue wave. Whereas, Akshay Kumar doesn’t seem to like those cellphones.
The film will release on 29th November 2018. One more exciting thing despite actions in the film is that its music is composed by A.R. Rahman.
Nudrat Ikhlaq
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