Lately Ali zafar’s name has been popping up in the news quite a lot, hasn’t it? With meesha shafi’s alleged sexual harassment case still going on, a new crisis seems to be at rise for the singer Ali zafar with rumors going on around that according to his wishes patari demoted the soundtrack produced by Faris shafi- meesha shafi’s brother. Ali zafar yet again looks like a self-absorbed pop star in the eyes of the public as recent evidence relating to the issue was uncovered. Lets break down the evidence step by step to discover the truth ourselves.
The allegations come at a time when Patari is in a serious management crisis. The core-team announced that it was parting ways with the company after Patari allegedly failed to sideline Khalid Bajwa, the former CEO, who is currently under internal investigation for sexual harassment. Amidst the former chaos, patari managed to submerge itself in yet another controversy. The latest is that the music platform clearly discriminates between the artists it hosts and looks forward to gaining profits.
Faris Shafi released a new song in collaboration with Ali Sethi a few days ago which was on top of pataris ‘ new releases list’ however soon afterwards evidence emerged showing pataris willingness to push back Faris shafi’s track on Ali zafars request. A screenshot was leaked of the inside communication going on within patari showing their willingness to honor ali zafars request.
Rabeel Warraich, the key investor in the firm and currently the interim CEO, confirmed to Dawn images that the screen-shots were legit but said that the leaked screen-shot was not only unethical but also a serious criminal breach. When the news reached to the artists themselves they were disappointed and shook at the actions of the music platform. “We are dismayed by this blatant manipulation of a national musical platform. It forces us to reconsider working with Patari in the future.” said the artists, Faris and Ali Sethi. However there has been silence on the side of Ali zafar. Ali’s team has not yet responded to explain their position after the screenshot has been leaked.
What is the world coming to, honestly? It confounds me that people could be this malevolent, not caring about how their actions will affect others. One thing that these people need to learn is to accept the truth when it comes out rather than giving out false justifications. With this, I hope it bodes well for the music platform as well as the artists.