Amar Khan, a relatively new actor on the block has wowed us with her acting skills in such a short time. Having played alongside Adnan Siddiqi in Kuggi, she is now leaving no chance to scare the bajeejas out of us while playing the Dayan in Bela Pur ki Dayan.
As scared as we are of her in the thriller, she is in reality SO GORGEOUS. But here’s the catch, this lady isn’t all beauty and acting but brains as well. According to an interview she recently gave, we found out that Amar Khan by education is a filmmaker and a graduate of Becaonhouse National Unisversity Lahore.
One of her short films was premiered at the Delhi International Film Festival and another screened at the Children’s International Film Festival whereas her short film Black Wednesday on the Peshawar APS attack got selected at the American Film Showcase.
She has done theatre in Lahore and has even attended workshops where she got to learn from Naseeruddin Shah and Shyam Benegal along with Asghar Nadeem Syed and Salman Shahid. But we believe she has got some that talent in her genes as well being the daughter of veteran actress Fareeha Jabeen.
P.S- We STILL just can’t get over how a human being this pretty can manage to give us nightmares every week! Good going Amar!