LACAS Mein Kuch Khaas presents globally renowned comedian Jeremy McLellan in Pakistan for a much anticipated series of stand-up comedy shows on the 3rd, 4th and 16th of August. The three events will take place in FC College on the 3rd of August, the Alhamra Arts Council on the 4th of August and Fast NUCES Lahore on the 16th of August.
McLellan is an acclaimed South Carolina comic dubbed as one of the “New Faces of Comedy” by the prestigious Just for Laughs International Comedy Festival in Montreal. His material covers a wide range of topics, writing often about his love for biryani and his humorous commentary on American politics, immigration and Islamophobia. His understanding of Islam, the diversity of Muslims and Pakistani culture has made him popular among Pakistanis. A trained dental practitioner, He is also is currently in Pakistan as part of a dental missions team that aims to provide free dental care to the less fortunate.
Indeed this series of standup shows is manifest of LACAS and Kuch Khaas’ shared vision: to cultivate and support arts and culture in Pakistan and to foster constructive civic engagement through the transformative power of the arts. Both LACAS and Kuch Khaas believe that the development and promotion of arts and culture is essential to the building of a vibrant, engaged and constructive community.