Screenshots of Meera’s very witty tweets have been circulating all over the internet. Whether she’s clapping back at Adnan Sami, basically roasting baby Nawaz or being an absolute savage to Rishi Kapoor, it is an undeniable fact that Meera is now the queen of sass and shade.
She even went as far as trolling this dude who asked her why her written English was different than her spoken English. Her replies to other tweets from random people were sassy and hilarious too.
Whatever it is that you think of her, you can’t deny that she’s got a killer sense of humour. In her own words, she’s not savage, she’s just honest.
And to everyone out there who takes themselves too seriously, grab a pen and paper and start taking some pointers from Meera Jee.
Kluchit Staff
Ameera Mehmood