Do you feel complexed because you are not as tall as that model in the cover shoot? Though it is not your fault, but you may feel frustrated that your clothes do not look alluring. The problem my friend is that you are following the trends which suit fashion models but not the ones which suit your own self. The solution is to adopt a few unique clothing tricks which will enhance your look. There are always specific types of clothes which are meant to dress different types of bodies. This means that firstly, you need to understand what suits you and then; fill your wardrobe with only those types of clothes. Fat or slender? Petit?
Lets say you are out shopping for the perfect attire for a special evening and you end up at a specific shop. Every dress you try has sizes that look odd for your height!!! Woho…hold up! You should not rush in to buying it, but rather you should improvise. You can always go to the tailor to design your own clothes, which is not the quickest of solutions but you can always stock up beforehand. But if you do not want to be wearing tailor made clothes all the time, you can definitely buy a few things off of the shelves too, as long as you keep all these things in your mind.
Add visual height to yourself:
Wearing heels is always an option for short-heighted people. Wear dresses that fit close to your frame rather than loose or shabby attire. Wear short shirts which are around knee-length because long shirts will make you look shorter.
Shape – Its all about shape!!
Instead of wearing loose trousers like bell bottoms or flappers or boot cut, try wearing tight and shapely trousers. The sung fitted attire over shadows the lack of proper height.
Pattern plays a role too:
Vertical lines always gives off a taller look. While wearing solids, wear bright colors instead of dim ones. You should never depend on ready-to-wear clothes as far as last minute preparations are concerned. You can buy whatever you like from retail outlets and can always get it fixed from your master saab.
These tips are not only for short-heighted people, rather any unique-sized person. It could be for someone who has a little extra weight on their size. You should experiment a little and try to alter your attire as per your size. One of the downsides to being a regular sized person is that you will mostly wear whatever you find on the shelf, but all the people who cannot find the right size for themselves over-the-counter can always do something different.
The MOST important aspect of the whole size, shape and look ‘issue’ is that you need to make a statement with your appearance. Whatever it may be, make one and then carry it with elegance. Once you decide what kind of look you want to stick to, you will have to find more options to wear as per your style.
Kluchit Staff
Hafsa Daud