These days, food has taken up the Internet by storm. As I scroll down my news-feed, I see recipes being put into action, people uploading their experiences on Foodies r us and buzzfeed making people try eerie dishes. I, like all of you, adore looking at food through my gadget’s screen. Some days ago, I stumbled upon something relatively new, a 21 year old girl sharing her love for food and food photography. She’s not a pro at photography, but she believes in the dishes she creates and the food places she orders at. It’s uncanny, how interesting her pictures are. Moreover, she’s nestled in lahore – she’s one of us and other than being a published writer, a business student at LSE, she thinks that one should always enjoy doing what they love the most and to her, it’s photographing food. I follow her on instagram and most of her posts are about the dishes her mother or little sister create (a chef family, indeed) and some are about her favorite places in lahore. She loves eating out and that’s what led to her photographing her experiences. Her foodgram is rather different, most of her photos have witty captions and hilarious remarks and some are ramblings about her favorite dishes. Looking at her photos whenever I open instagram, proves to be a literal therapy for me. Here are some of my favorite photos taken by her. Follow her @thevalayatilahoregirl on instagram and let yourself be tortured by the food deprived agony that lies ahead!
Staff Contributor