HSY is one of the biggest designer’s in Pakistan who has managed to not only leave his mark internationally but locally too. The style guru has trained models on the runway, choreographed numerable shows, represented Pakistan worldwide and now even has his own talk show where light hearted banter of the guests mixed with HSY’s witty persona results in a very entertaining show. The latest feather in his cap has to be the exciting collaboration with leading global technology brand OPPO. This news caught the eyes of his beloved fans when a picture that got leaked online where HSY was seen seated and using a phone.
Later the company announced partnership with him via a statement “It gives me immense pleasure to announce Mr. Hassan Sheheryar Yasin as our first brand partner for Pakistan. Indeed, this is the first time that a multinational smartphone company has joined hands with a fashion designer here in Pakistan. The fact that HSY is not only a fashion designer but a style icon is completely in tune with our brand ethos where art and haute design and principally important along with innovation in technology. OPPO and Fashion have a globally seasoned relationship and our partnership with HSY brings forward this legacy into Pakistan. We have always chosen the best in fashion globally and HSY for us is simply the best in this region. We welcome HSY into the ever growing global family of OPPO and look forward to collaborating with him in ‘pursuit of beauty’”, said George Long, The CEO of OPPO Pakistan.
This is one news that is super exciting not only for the fashion conscious inhibits of Pakistan, but also for the tech savvy ones. The news received some criticism online from many (as seen on twitter, Facebook and Instagram), where the critics were seen questioning the venture and whether it was possible to create a fashionable phone which will also be technologically updated. While many were debating if HSY is the right choice considering the plethora of equally good designers present in Pakistan. Only time will tell if this partnership will be able to capture the market and be successful but for now it looks promising. Here is to wishing OPPO and HSY the very best and waiting for a phone that is not only visually appealing and functions well too!
Kluchit Staff
Saneela Mehdi