Very few of us ladies can truthfully say we aren’t pleased, when we don’t fit comfortably into a smaller size than usual. But that doesn’t mean we want to be sold inconsistent clothes sizes. At least, that’s what I assumed. The fashion industry does too – and has its own name for deliberately putting a smaller size on bigger garments – vanity sizing. Style is definitely not a clothing size!
The only way you will look good in your clothes is when you don’t let yourself be guided by FIT. Sizes provide the guidelines for that.
But since every country and brand seems to have their own standards, you will just need to grab 3 sizes (1 bigger and 1 smaller than your usual size) before you step into the fitting room.
On every online site you purchase you should study their sizing charts. Know your measurements and write them down so you will always have them handy and check your actual size.
Once you have picked your 3 sizes, completely ignore the size on the label but trust the mirror and determine which of the 3 has the better fit. Often it is even better to go for a bigger size for a much more fluid fit that is so popular now.
Don’t let a size have any influence on how you feel about yourself. All said and done, you can only really trust the mirror for that or a measuring tape. Truth is, a beautiful body is a body that is well taken care of, loved, and treated with respect. If you can, it’s very freeing to stop taking size personally.
Kluchit Staff
Neeshay Imran