
The Drinkable Book

Here’s something we never thought we’d be hearing about even in our wildest dreams: A drinkable book. A book that not only contains the importance of drinking clean water, but the pages act like high tech filters that can remove 99% of the bacteria from water. Who knew this would ever even be possible?

This innovation stemmed from McGill University in Montreal, headed by Dr. Theresa Dankovich. She invented a new bactericidal silver nano-particle paper along with a green procedure which enabled it to be produced cheap and harmless to the environment. In collaboration with WATERisLIFE, the team aims to create a drinkable book that will provide clean and safe drinking water to millions of people who do not have access to this basic necessity.

This invention’s aim is to educate people on the importance of sanitized and safe water, and providing it to them at the same time. Each page in the book is a water filter which can provide safe water for up to 30 days and an entire book can provide someone safe drinking water for up to 4 years. The team is working on producing the book in different languages, developing different teaching methods as well as creating workshops to spread awareness about the book.

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Contributed by: Fatima Qureshi.

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