For the launch which was long awaited, on Friday 4th March, MAISON Honey Waqar opened its doors for public. The extravaganza event was crowded from the very minute it started. The exuberant red door and the magnificent interior matched with the brand’s royal and chic aura. No wonder, who so who of Lahore and yes, Karachi too was there to cherish this moment with Shezrey and Honey. Mother and daughter could be seen among the crowd being equally amazing host as they are designers.
The flagship store does not only showcase Honey Waqar’s bridal line but also display Shazrey’s Pret line. The whole collection was mesmerizing canvas of colours and patterns. Audience awed at the Pret collection hanging and later got treat in form of fashion walk of bridal wear.
Along with Ayesha Sana (bright as ever) wearing Honey Waqar, Aqsa Ali, Hannah Butt and Zara Peerzada graced the walk while wearing designer bridal. Tehmia Khalid(Take2) and Bunty were handling the PR for the event whereas Ayesha Sana was also playing the host of event.
Contributed by Jehanzeb A Khan who’s alternative ego is that of The Bearded Chef. He loves cooking and cigars and has a jazzy wit!