
Hanna Lake – Quetta, Balochistan

Hanna Lake is situated near Quetta city in Balochistan and is one of the main attractions in the area. The lake is located near the Urak Valley and is roughly 10 km from Quetta. The Golden fish living in the lake come swimming right up to the edge of the lake. There is a lakeside restaurant with picnic tables shaded by pine trees. At one end, the irrigation dam rises out of the depths like battlements of a fort. It is a very attractive spot for holidaymakers, and is crowded with hikers and campers in the holiday season.

The turquoise waters of the lake provide a rich contrast to the sandy brown hills in the background. One can hire a boat and paddle on the lake and around the island in the middle.

From the year 2000 till 2010 Hanna Lake dried up and the natives of the area along with hundreds of species of migrated birds had to face a lot of complications. However, in 2011 the lake re-filled and once again gave rise to flora and fauna in its environment. The lake nowadays needs repairs and is wasting water. The water level is dangerously low and thousands of fish are in danger. If Hanna Lake Development Authority (HLDA), who are the custodians of Hanna Lake do not perform any action to bring the water through its channels the lake will soon be dry again.

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Contributed by: Team Kluchit.

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