
Sleeping Tips – 7 Tips To Ensure A Peaceful Sleep

If you toss and turn every night, you’ve come just to the right place! You might not have control over the factors obstructing your sleep but you can adopt healthy habits that’ll help you sleep better at night.

Follow these 7 tips for the sleep of your dreams at night.

1. Adhere to the sleep schedule

The recommended sleep time is 8 hours. Try to go to bed on time and form a routine of waking up after 8 hours. We know it is hard to follow the schedule during weekends but adhering to the sleep schedule even during weekends is very important. Consistency is the key here.

2. Reduce blue light exposure in the evening

Blue light during the day is helpful but has an adverse effect during night time. It tricks your mind into thinking that it’s still day time. This might send a wrong signal to your body resulting in disturbance during bedtime. Try to avoid exposure to blue light in the evening.

3. Focus on your eating habits

Do not have heavy meals within two to three hours of bedtime. Avoid going to bed extremely stuffed or hungry. The discomfort these situations cause might not let you fall into slumber.

Products with caffeine, nicotine and other strong chemicals stimulates your nerves and affects your sleep badly. Do not consume such products a couple hours of bedtime.

4. Reduce naps during the day

Naps during the day are beneficial but when you nap for too long, it disrupts your sleep cycle at night. Naps limited to 30 minutes are just fine. Avoid taking long naps during the day and make up for the lost time at night.

5. Exercise daily

Exercise or physical activity in general induces a good sleep. It helps fall asleep faster than normal. Exercise causes the body to release stress hormones that help the brain. Increase your daily physical activity or exercise routinely but not too close to bedtime. Try to exert your energy throughout the day so you don’t feel active at night. This will help you achieve sleep quickly.

6. Create a soothing environment

Your sleeping room should be calm, dark and quiet. Avoid the use of light-emitting screens or mobile phones. Create an environment that suits your sleeping needs. Taking a bath right before bedtime also helps relax your muscles, mind and body. Calming activities before bed create a soothing aura and helps in relaxation.

7. Put your worries aside

Make a list of all the things that are bothering you and not letting you sleep properly. Set the list aside on you bedside table for the next day. Follow stress management routine by organizing and prioritizing your tasks. Meditation is also good if you have anxiety issues.


Aqsa Butt (@aqsaaa_buttt)

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