‘Zero’ directed by Aanand L Rai will have two prime ladies of Bollywood – Anushka Sharma and Katrine Kaif opposite Shah Rukh Khan. The trailer made it apparent that Anushka Sharma will be playing the role of a woman with cerebral palsy. Whereas, Katrina Kaif appears to be a celebrity.
Both actors have maintained great comradeship behind the scenes. Although, Kaif has made a disclosure about their characters. In this disclosure Kaif can be seen saying How badly she wanted to play Sharma’s character. The disclosure has been made upon a video which was later on posted up by Sharma on her twitter account. Here have a look by yourself!!
Sach kab tak chhup sakta hain. Jaaniye abhi 😜 @iamsrk #KatrinaKaif @aanandlrai @RedChilliesEnt @cypplOfficial #ZeroKaSach pic.twitter.com/hrYcC7wo5b
— Anushka Sharma (@AnushkaSharma) November 5, 2018
Well, Kaif might have an eye on Sharma’s character but that didn’t stop the ladies from bonding on the sets of film. A recent pic of Sharma and Kaif during the trailer launch showed that they had a good laugh over something.
Laugh and Shine.
Nudrat Ikhlaq
insta @thenudrateffect