Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas will be tying the knot in Jodhpur, India on December 1st but the celebrations have already started. Priyanka’s team just gave her a bridal shower in New York in which she looked totally ethereal. Clad in a white Marchesa feathered dress, she paired it up with nude Louboutins and a diamond string by Tiffany. Here are the pictures:
Simple and elegant!
She definitely has that bridal glow
And for the full picture
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Let us remind you that the dress is by Marchesa
and that gorgeous simple diamond string necklace by Tiffany!
A weird thing to note here is that photos of only Priyanka Chopra have surfaced on the internet. Where are her friends, team and the bridal party?!?! What are you hiding Piggy Chops?