Bollywood actor Salam Khan left his fans in frenzy after being announced for 5 years for killing a blackbuck in 1998. However, he was granted bail after spending 2 nights in Jodhpur bail.
Khan has been receiving a lot of support from fellow actors who went all out for the star on Twitter. Shaan on the other hand had something else to say.
He stated, ”Gujarat Muslim killings by Modi. Salman did his campaign in Gujarat Modi pm…Both cases will be dismissed very soon. The first case of killing pedestrians was bigger than killing a black buck he walked out of that one so he will walk out of this one also the one-night imprisonments are just to show people that no one is above the law,”
He further stated, “ Well done Salman good deal you sold out on the blood of Gujarati Muslims for your freedom. But you will never be free as with great power comes great responsibility you being a Muslim star in India you have to protect them. You have freedom but will never be free! Next time you wear a being human t-shirt make sure it says Being human (Except Gujarati Muslims),”
Do you agree with Shaan?