As you know everyone’s obsession the new upcoming movie, Na Maloom Afrad 2, hasn’t lessened. But there is a new twist – not in the movie, but in a particular cast member’s statement.
The Punjab nahi jaoungi star, Urwa Hocane, was asked at an interview if she preferred Na Maloom Afrad 2 or Punjab Nahi Jaoungi as her favorite. The beauty curtly stated that she was more fond of PNJ. When she was asked the reason, she said that NMA2 was more of a male oriented film. She also said she thinks she shouldn’t be a part of the film. *What?!*
People assumed that this must be a reason that she isn’t making her glam appearance on promotions of NMA2.
However, apart from Urwa, Hania Amir is very much involved in all the promotions and interviews of the film. She and Mohsin Abbas Haider also had a heated argument during the film promotion. Mohsin got offended when Hania Amir stated that people would only be watching the movie because of her.
I mean, wow. So much drama and the movie hasn’t even come out yet!