If Aladdin were being made in Pakistan, these actors would definitely set the screen on fire. We’ve got a list of actors who fit the bill perfectly, and with the right wardrobe and makeup, they’d make the perfect Aladdin.
Sheheryar Munawar
Sheheryar Munawar has got the strong-jawed facial structure and luscious hair needed to play Aladdin. Plus, he’s a great actor who’s very well-known, and he has a large following because he’s talented and good looking. He’s definitely a strong contender for the part.
Imran Abbas
Imran Abbas may be a little baby-faced, but his acting chops are good and with the right makeup, he would make the perfect Aladdin. He too is a Pakistani heart throb with a large fan following and a number of successful acting stints under his belt.
Shahroz Sabzawari
Playing Aladdin would be the perfect redemption role for Shahroz Sabzawari after Chain Aye Na, but unfortunately that won’t be happening. Nonetheless, he’s good looking enough to be Aladdin, and he does possess some acting flair which would definitely help him out. He’s famous for some of his own acting achievements, and he’s married to one of the top actresses in Pakistan, so that doesn’t hurt his case at all.
Feroze Khan
Out of all the actors in this list, Feroze Khan would have to be my personal favorite. He is HOT, and he’s relatively fresh. His luxurious locks and masculine but polished face makes him a perfect fit for Aladdin. I remember when my friend dragged me to see Zindagi Kitni Haseen Hai, I was actually shocked to see how good looking and talented he was. Plus, he looks amazing shirtless, so that definitely sways the odds in his favor.
Agha Ali
Agha Ali possess an intense rugged look, which he could definitely soften a bit with his acting. The contrast between his manly looks and somewhat softer demeanor while acting would make him a viable option for Aladdin, if he can manage to pull it off. He too is relatively famous for his various roles in Pakistani dramas. But hey, he’d make a great Jaffar too!
So here’s a list of all the actors who we think would make Aladdin come to life.
Ameera Mehmood – I like cats, Marlboro Reds and dying my hair weird colors