Sanam Jung put on a little weight after she had her baby, and people are losing their minds over it. For anyone out there who’s tried to lose weight, it’s common sense that it’s not an easy task. It takes time and dedication and there’s no such thing as immediate results, so for people to bash Sanam Jung over her weight gain signifies a very low level of intellect among the general public. She’s not Kim Kardashian or Blac Chyna; both of them lost a lot of weight with surgery and crash dieting, but that’s definitely not the way to go. Here’s a few comments for your viewing pleasure:
I think it’s about time people move on from body shaming and focusing incessantly on women’s bodies, because it’s really starting to get old. She’s honestly not even overweight, she looks like a normal, healthy woman. The hate she’s receiving only goes to show how behind we are, when the rest of the world is embracing diversity in every shape and form.
Ameera Mehmood
I like cats, Marlboro Reds and dying my hair weird colours.