It’s common knowledge that celebrities can get away with almost everything. They can wear shorts in public places, but if the general public were to do the same, we’d be burned at the stake for indecency. However, even their elevated societal status cannot save them from the social media moral police, who will bash them openly by leaving comments on their pictures. We’ll choose to overlook the stupidity of the self proclaimed moral police, because their dresses are actually pretty chic. Here’s a few not too scandalous but still kinda scandalous celebrity outfit choices that earned them a lot of hate (and possibly death threats) on social media.
Mawra Hocane:
Urwa Hocane:
Sohai Ali Abro
Ayesha Omer:
Armeena Khan
They set social media on fire, but hey, they all looked great while doing it.
Ameera Mehmood
I like cats, Marlboro Reds and dying my hair weird colours.