First, air in potato crisp bags and now spaces in chocolate bars?! What has the world come to?
To everyone’s utter dismay, Toblerone, the classic Swiss chocolate that we have all grown to know and love, has betrayed us at last. By changing its distinctive triangle shape, Toblerone has thrown us all in a state of confusion. Basically, the shape is still a triangle but it is way thinner with huge gaps in between. Several complaints are circulating about customers feeling ‘cheated’ due to more spaces than the chocolate in these new bars. Maybe it is just my bias speaking but the new shape also looks disproportionate and the customers’ rage is justified to some extent. I mean, just look at this. It looks like a diet version of the real thing.
Although the shape is disappointing, however it has practical implications as Mondelez International, the makers of Toblerone, explained that the main reason for changing the shape of the bar was to keep them affordable. Toblerone is open to provide all the necessary information to its consumers and states that just like other companies they are experiencing higher costs for numerous ingredients and hence, to ensure that Toblerone remains on-shelf, is affordable and retains the triangular shape, they have had to reduce the weight of just two of the bars in the UK, from the wider range of available Toblerone products. It is reported that Toblerone’s 400g and 170g bars now weigh just 360g and 150g respectively. Thus, instead of compromising on size and quality, Toblerone just changed the shape—which, to come to think of it now, seems like a pretty good idea because hey, we all just care about that heavenly taste, right?!
So, let’s just give them some breathing room and actually appreciate their efforts to keep our favorite chocolate in affordable range and as creamy and delicious as ever!
Kluchit Staff
Ramsha Khan