
Overcoming the Fear of Travelling on Airplanes

The odds of you dying in a plane crash are 1 in 4.7 million. Think about what you really want- to see all the marvels of the world or to take a really minuscule risk of dying. Here’s something to think about, the chance of you dying or getting seriously injured while playing football is 1 in 100,000. Suddenly, flying on a plane doesn’t seem so dangerous now does it? However, if you still feel anxious about boarding a plane, here are some tips for you to get over it and be able to enjoy the wonders of travelling.

Get a Positive State of Mind

You must believe in your ability to win over this fear. Think of all the adventures you will be able to go on when you succeed. This will provide you with the necessary motivation to defeat your fears. Stay positive, always.

Knowledge is power

Educate yourself on how planes work. Fill your head with facts about the dangers that worry you the most. This will help your reason with the negative thoughts that pop into your head.

 Start Small

Maybe you are not ready to step on a plane for now, but are you able to hang out at an airport terminal? Here, you will be able to look at planes arriving and departing. You will see that 99.9% percent of the time there are no casualties. Once you are comfortable with this, you can take it a step further and board a plane. Or, just go pick your aunties up from the airport next time. The smile on her face will tell you that indeed her journey was delightful.


You can even do this at home. Make yourself comfortable and completely relax yourself. Next, imagine yourself in a situation that makes you shake in real life. In your mind, try to react to these situations in the best way possible, fighting your fear. This will help you be more confident in real life as you have rehearsed these situations in your mind.

Just Do It

You can try to reduce your fear using these techniques but there will come a time when you will have to say no to fear and act in spite of it. Once you successfully fight your fear for a single time, the next time will become easier. That’s the way life works, you see. There’s always a rainbow after the storm.

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Kluchit Staff

Harris Ahmad

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