
Food that helps you relax!

What if we told you that we have found the ultimate life hack? Well we have discovered that there are certain types of foods that help you relax. Definitely a candidate for the ultimate life hack contest, right? Studies have found that these foods help contribute to a healthy mental state, buffer against the harmful physical effects of stress, and dial up your serenity level. Eat your way to Zen!

1. Honey

We all love honey anyway right? Bet you will love it even more after you find how much good it does you. Honey contains high levels of tryptophan and potassium, both of which are known to reduce anxiety and have a soothing effect on the mind and body. It’s basically like sweet, delicious medicine.

2. Bananas

If you’re one of those people who believe that bananas are a useless fruit- ha! You are wrong, my friend. Along with its sweet taste, bananas also have plenty of health benefits. They contain muscle relaxants such as potassium and magnesium. Because relaxed muscles encourage the body to relax, bananas are a wise route towards easing physically mounted stress.

3. Milk

You can immediately feel the calming effects of a cup of warm milk. Milk produces serotonin, which is a sleep inducing hormone. That is why health specialists recommend that you take a glass of milk before you go to bed to help you get a good night’s rest. I don’t know about you but I just grabbed myself a mug of steamy hot milk!

Not like Joey though!

4. Dark Chocolate
Is there an end to the benefits of this delicious piece of heaven?! I guess not. It contains serotonin, endorphin and dopamine, which are great hormones for the mollifying of stress level in the brain. And if that’s not enough, it also enhances the functions of the nervous and the hormonal system. Mind=blown!

5. Walnuts

Research has proven that these shelled marvels provide various benefits to health. The omega-3 fatty acids present in walnuts keep the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline in check. Think of ways to incorporate walnuts in your daily diet- whether it be in salads or just a fist full of them in your mouth!

We hope this inspired you to grab your wallet and go shopping for these magnificent and delicious de-stressors!


Kluchit Staff
Ramsha Khan

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