Magnum launched its tantalizing store in Lahore. The opening ceremony of the store brought many celebrities and socialites to the event. Now who exactly wore what is the question that arises. Stunning Hareem Farooq was spotted wearing Shehla Chatoor’s off-shoulder dress of light peach gold color.
Along with Hareem, the very beautiful Cybil Chaudhry also brought glamour to the launch by coming to the event wearing a white pocketed shirt with black and white abstract-printed loose trousers.
Zara Peerzada also hit the event wearing a light brown one shoulder off lowering shaped shirt with beautiful dark brown flared skirt. A few international musicians were also spotted like ‘Olga Trifonova’, who was wearing a unique dark brown dress by ‘Nomi Ansari’ depicting the idea of a chocolatey dress. Check out our image gallery to see all the wonderfully dressed people at the event.
Contributed by: Mahnoor Javed.