Acclaimed fashion designer Zainab Chottani is all set to launch her Spring/Summer 2016 Collection across Pakistan, with the prestigious Lakhany Silk Mills (LSM Fabrics). This is the second year of Zainab Chottani’s collaboration with Lakhany Silk Mills. The collection, featuring 10 designs in 2 colors each, is premium quality jacquard and cotton lawn with pure silk and chiffon dupattas in each outfit, along with intricate embroidery and embellishments to complete the ensemble. “It is the second year of my collaboration with Lakhany Silk Mills, and the partnership works because we share the same brand ethos and values as LSM.” remarked the designer about working with the textile giant. “Keeping the latest trends and our weather in mind, we have designed the collection in such a way that Pakistani women from all walks of life can wear it on a host of events & occasions – be it casual, professional or social.”
Commenting on the collaboration, Rizwan Lakhany, Director, Lakhany Silk Mills, said: “Zainab Chottani, with each collection we have worked on, has managed to bring the luxury of her formalwear, into dailywear and lawn – which is something which Lakhany Silk Mills have had the legacy of bringing to the Pakistani market for years – and we are proud to be carrying it forward so successfully into 2016!”
Starting today, the 17th of March 2016, the Zainab Chottani Collection by LSM Fabrics will be available at all leading outlets and online on their Official Website.
Contributed by: Team Kluchit.