Lead actors Mohib Mirza and Sanam Saeed from “BACHAANA” will be headlining Pakistan Super League’s opening ceremony in Dubai on the 4th of February’ 2016. The duo will be performing a special dance number at the opening ceremony revealing the fourth and final track ‘Bachaana Mashup’, Pakistan’s first feature film soundtrack mashup. Produced by leading Bollywood DJ Kiran Kamath, the mashup remixes BACHAANA’s title track as sung by Benny Dayal and Komal Ghazanfar with composition by Ali Sher and ‘Yaari’ as sung by Shafqat Amanat Ali and Usman Qureshi.
The BACHAANA soundtrack features 3 original compositions; ‘Yaari’, ‘Koi Labda’ and ‘Bachaana – Title Track’; and a special BACHAANA mashup, a first of its kind in Pakistan. Featuring Sanam Saeed, Mohib Mirza and Adeel Hashmi, BACHAANA is set to release on 26th February 2016 across Pakistan. BACHAANA is a journey of a sweet and bubbly Indian girl, Aalia, who undergoes a series of unfortunate events and is forced to place her faith in a man she hardly knows. That man, Vicky, is a Pakistani taxi driver in Mauritius. BACHAANA follows the couple’s adventurous journey of love.
Directed by Nasir Khan and produced by Rizwan Saeed, the romantic comedy features award winning actress and model Sanam Saeed (Aalia), who is a house-hold name in the Pakistani drama industry and across the border due to her acting skills in dramas like “Zindagi Gulzar Hai”. Alongside Sanam Saeed, Mohib Mirza (Vicky) plays the leading role who has worked as a host, producer and actor in several leading Pakistani dramas and tele-films. The film also features one of Pakistan’s leading comic talent Adeel Hashmi.
With BACHAANA, Big Film aims to explore an entire new genre with an approach which will deviate from mainstream cinema but will equally be a visual treat with intense acting and a captivating script. Hum Films and Eveready Pictures are the official distributors for BACHAANA, with Leisure Club as the official wardrobe partner [male], LALA as the official wardrobe partner [female], TREET Corporation Limited as the official grooming partner, media and PR by Lotus Public Relations and management and representation by The One Lotus Agency.
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