Are you bored with eating regular looking food off your plate? Ever wondered if food could actually be exciting to look at? It is only a matter of trying out different techniques to make your food look more tempting and more fun to eat.
Familiarize yourself with some equipment which includes piping bags, silicon molds, cookie cutters, peelers and sharp knives. Once you have accustomed yourself with these tools, you will eventually master the art of making food look exciting and yes, more tempting too.
A knife is essentially an extension of your hand as any great chef will tell you. Handle it with diligence and it will create masterpieces for you. If you are hosting a party, fruit center pieces are a great way to present food. Core an apple into half and slice it very closely. With beautiful arrangements, you can make floral patterns of your liking with the fruit. For example, you can cut a zig-zag pattern into pineapple slices. The same goes for vegetables. You can use daikon, carrots and even peas for a burst of color.
A peeler can do wonders by yielding ribbons out of carrots, daikons, radishes and even cucumbers. The ribbons can be used to make bows or intricate flowers patterns like roses.
Piping Bag
By using a piping bag you can make the simplest of foods look really special. If you ever go shopping for piping bags, you will discover that there are different sizes and types of nozzles available. A nozzle is basically the cap like plastic cover with a whole or a ridged ring that allows you to pipe out the cream. The most popular nozzle you could buy is the six ridges nozzle that pipes out the cream in an elegant flowery flow. You can decorate cupcakes, cakes or any other desert with floral patterns. If you want to put your own name on the food, go for a thin straight nozzle which you can use to pipe out alphabets. The latest hashtags can also be piped out onto cupcakes and candy which makes your party food unique and adds personal flair.
Silicon molds
Silicon molds are a recent development and they are not usually used in baking. You can create some fun by creating Jell-O molds with fruits immersed in the middle. This will be a completely new way to serve fruit. Choose a light colored Jell-O like lychee or pineapple and pour it into silicon molds. You can vary the style of the molds to pop out unique shapes. While the Jell-O is hot, put a fruit inside and leave it to set in while you put the Jell-O in the freezer. Once frozen, pop out the Jell-O and see the fruit visible in the middle.
Satay sticks also known as skewers can be used to display vibrant fruit cocktails on sticks. Cut seasonal foods and skewer them onto the sticks. Use a bowl or a foam base to stick the stick into the outward direction. Your guests can just come in, pick a stick and walk around enjoying seasonal fruits.
Cookie cutter
Use a floral cookie cutter to make flowery fruit center pieces. They are available in almost every shape and are available in every good grocery store. Buy it and make cute shaped sandwiches, cutlets, rolls, etc.
Glitter and food coloring
The one other thing which you can do is to use edible food colors and glitters. This year saw a rising trend in making food shine and quite literally it sparkled. It includes covering party food in metallic colored glitter or glaze. Glitters and glazes are easily available in markets. If you want to create your own though, you can make a simple sugar mixture with three parts sugar and one part water. Once the sugar is dissolved, add silver or gold food coloring in it and glaze your cookies and cakes with the mixture. If you are going for savory, make a simple roux by roasting flour in butter. Once the butter starts to separate from the flour, take it off the stove and start whisking while adding milk to it at room temperature. Once the milk is incorporated, put it back on the stove and add flavoring and food coloring to it. This sauce can be poured onto any kind of pasta or consumed with crackers as well.
Try these simple techniques to make your food pop and look unique as you dive into party season, and thank us every step of the way!!
Contributed by: Aamnah Jawaad.
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