Abdullah Qureshi is a self taught music artist who took our breath away with his covers, especially when he sang the missing verse of Afreen Afreen from Coke Studio. Team Kluchit got the inside scoop on his life for you all we bit you did not know before!
Who is Abdullah Qureshi?
I don’t completely know him yet.
Who is your inspiration?
There isn’t one. I get inspired from different things on a day to day basis. So musically it’s kind of difficult to answer questions like these. But generally, if I had to choose from the people I look up to, it would be my father. He’s a brave, strong man who takes risks with zero hesitation and I wish to be like him.
What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
I got arrested when I was in Grade 9 even though I was totally innocent.
What are the five things you can’t live without?
My creator
My family
My ripped jeans that I wear for weeks
Moisturizing lotion (I go crazy when my face feels dry)
What’s your motto or the advice you live by?
Don’t take a lot of advice, do what you feel like doing and just go with the flow.
For our readers who have never heard your songs, explain your music in 5 words?
A little bit of everything.
Do you ever get nervous before a perfomance?
Yes! When I’m singing in front of people I personally know, like my family or my class fellows.
Ten years from now you will be….?
Buying diapers for my kids.
Who else in your family sings?
No one really, but I think my phupho does although I haven’t ever heard her sing.
Contributed by: Team Kluchit.
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