The quickest method to enhance bodily functions in the human body is by a controlled diet and short meals after every 3-4 hours. The diet discussed in this article is designed to boost your metabolism so that no fat is stored in the body. I heartily recommend the early to bed and early to rise policy to everybody, as I follow it myself. For those who think this is impossible, try to sleep latest by 10 at night and do not eat anything at least 3 hours before you go to bed. I wasn’t very fond of bland food, but my taste buds have molded in such a way that I look forward to all my meals now.
I am very conscious about my diet and I always try to mold it according to my exercise routines. I would like to recommend a few things for the readers of
Soak four almonds in water and let them stay like that over-night. In the morning eat them alongside four walnuts and six raisins for your ‘early’ breakfast; preferably at least one hour before you shower.
For breakfast eat approximately 5 table spoons of cooked oats and a handful of berries, an apple or an apricot. There should be a gap of at least an hour between the ‘early’ breakfast and the proper breakfast.
For brunch take a glass of skimmed milk (I recommend marvel powdered milk), an apple and either fish, mutton or chicken about the size of a deck of cards. Try to get some exercise in between brunch and lunch. The lunch should consist of a bowl of salad and a deck of card sized meat.
For your mid-day snack you can have any two fruits except bananas, pineapples and mangoes.
For dinner you can only have some protein. Try having boiled meat rather than cooked meat, because boiling sufficiently reduces the fat in the meat.
At night before you sleep, have two tea spoons of avocado oil. I guarantee positive results within two weeks.
Contributed by: Team Kluchit.
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