
Don’t Cook Your Dinner. Print It!

If you are one of those who think that the food you are eating is going to be the same forever. You are wrong. Be prepared and be curious as the future of food is here. Technology is now transforming food and introducing production processes which will allow food innovation to take place at a scale which has never been done or imagined before.

NASA is developing and working on 3D Food Printer in collaboration with Systems and Material Research Corporation (SMRC). This will allow food to be materialized for the consumption especially for the astronauts. For this purpose, NASA has recently given a grant of $125,000 to SMRC for six months.

The need for having such a device was created considering the fact that NASA needs a sustainable device to feed their astronauts on missions which usually are more than year time.  The pre-packaged food which the astronauts usually carry is heavy on processing and deprived of flavor causing the degradation of micronutrients with time. NASA wanted such a product that is sustainable and meets the needs of astronauts in the most effective and efficient manner.  If the 3D food printer is a success, it will help NASA to undertake mission on Mars more frequently and explore the possibility of life with more ease.

The food printer concept has already worked on a Rep Rap 3D Printer designed by an SMRC contractor designed to make chocolate for his wife. The Same printer was later used to make a Pizza. It was made with the help of filled cartridges that carried essential powdered ingredients. They were later mixed with water and oil and then placed on heated plate.

The unique selling point of this food printer is that it will provide food for a large number of people with very few resources. Thus, it will be environmental friendly and will add value in the lives of the consumers. It will also allow customization to happen at a very individual level.  For instance, if someone is an athlete in a family and needs more proteins, specially designed recipes can be used and high protein food can be generated out of the printer in no time.

Without any doubt, if this amazing concept in the shape of 3D printer is a success at NASA, it is not far when we shall see this product getting commercialized or help fight against world hunger.

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Contributed by Hijab Tariq, an MBA Graduate who believes that Good Food is incomplete without 3P’s – Presentation , Pals and Palatability.

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